Donate Your Hearing Aids

From February 01, 2019 12:00 am until February 28, 2019 6:31 pm
Hits: 2116

Donate Your Hearing Aids


In partnership with the State of New Jersey Department of Human Services and Montclair State University, Bergen County is hosting a Hearing Aid Drive.

If you or someone you know has new or used hearing aids that are no longer being used, please consider donating them to the New Jersey Hearing Aid Project. 

Hearing aids can be donated at the following locations:

  • Bergen County Administrative Building, Second Floor Lobby (One Bergen County Plaza, Hackensack)
  • Bergen New Bridge Medical Center, Ambulatory Center Reception Area (230 East Ridgewood Avenue, Paramus)
  • Bergen County Northwest Senior Center (46-50 Center Street, Midland Park)

