Interim Groundskeeper - Golf - Division of Parks
Job Responsibilities:
- Golf Course Setup
- Mowing of Turfgrass Throughout the Golf Course
- Raking of Sand Traps
- String Trimming and Detail Mowing
- Ornamental and Flower Bed Maintenance
- Leaf and Debris Cleanup
- Irrigation of Golf Course and Flower Beds
- Assist with Golf Course Projects
- Pruning of Trees and Shrubs
- Cart Path Maintenance
- Cleaning of Golf Course Maintenance Equipment
Available Work Schedules:
- Six Month Duration of 29 Hours per Week
- Four Month Duration of 40 Hours per Week
Please send resume and employment application to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – put in subject line job applying for, thank you.
The County of Bergen is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE).