Addiction Recovery Program

What type of treatment is offered?

Treatment includes education, individual and group counseling. Counselors help each client develop a plan to achieve abstinence, develop new ways…

Treatment includes education, individual and group counseling. Counselors help each client develop a plan to achieve abstinence, develop new ways of coping, build a more positive self-image, and realize personal goals.

Posted 4 years agoby BRothman

How does the program work?

ARP helps clients look at their relationship with alcohol and/or drugs, and recognize its impact on their lives. This is…

ARP helps clients look at their relationship with alcohol and/or drugs, and recognize its impact on their lives. This is accomplished on an outpatient basis by combining personalized treatment plans with the twelve step approach.

Posted 4 years agoby BRothman

What is the goal of ARP?

ARP helps people with alcohol and/or drug related problems when those problems affect their ability to perform on the job,…

ARP helps people with alcohol and/or drug related problems when those problems affect their ability to perform on the job, at home, or in society. The goal of the program is to help clients obtain and maintain a sober, drug-free, and productive life. The program is completely confidential. Services are provided in a safe and supportive environment. Each client is served with dignity and respect.

Posted 4 years agoby BRothman

What is the Addiction Recovery Program (ARP)?

The program provides outpatient treatment services to, self referred, court mandated probation, parole, DYFS, DUI and Family Court clients.

The program provides outpatient treatment services to, self referred, court mandated probation, parole, DYFS, DUI and Family Court clients.

Posted 4 years agoby BRothman