About Central Municipal Court

The public can now ask the municipal prosecutor to review their traffic matters and may be able to resolve their case without having to appear in person, under a recent change to municipal court operations in New Jersey. 
The Judiciary’s Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) program, which started in mid-May in approximately 30 municipal courts, allows court users to dispute a charge and provide information or evidence to municipal prosecutors online. The ODR program applies to 37 traffic offenses, such as speeding, failure to have an insurance card, or failure to yield, where defendants commonly provide additional documentation and seek a reduced charge before pleading guilty.
Court users can make their requests for review to the municipal prosecutor through NJMC Direct webpage (www.NJMCdirect.com or www.NJcourts.gov ). After reviewing the case, the prosecutor can offer a lesser charge or decline to change the charge.  
If a lesser charge is accepted, the matter will be reviewed by a judge for approval. If approved, the defendant does not need to go to court.
If the prosecutor declines to offer a lesser charge, or the judge does not approve the new charge, a hearing date is scheduled for the defendant to appear remotely.


From the New Parking Facility please proceed South along Hudson Street to 71 Hudson where you will find the Central Municipal Court. (Approximately two blocks). 


From I-80: Take Exit 66, turn left onto Vreeland Avenue, then left onto Hudson Street Follow Hudson Street to the Justice Center, then turn right onto Court Street. The Parking Deck entrance can be found at the corner of Court and River Streets.

From GS Parkway :Take Exit 159 to I-80 East & proceed as described above.

From Turnpike: Take Route 46W and proceed over the Hackensack River. Once across the Hackensack River Bridge, bear right onto River Street and proceed to 55 Court Street.


Handicap Parking

Parking for handicapped individuals is available at the County Senior Center located at 
101-103 Hudson Street 
Hackensack, NJ 07601 

This facility is located one block south of the municipal court. 

Pickup and drop-off areas for handicapped individuals are designated as the driveway entrance of the Central Municipal Court. Please pull in and drop off as necessary. Use caution as this is a high traffic area. 

No Parking

Parking for Court Attendees is not permitted on the properties adjacent to the Central Municipal Court. This is private property. Violators may be ticketed and towed at the owner’s discretion. 

Online Resources

Municipal Court sessions will now be conducted virtually/remotely to minimize exposure to COVID-19. Accordingly, all complainants, defendants, attorneys, victims are to contact the municipal court via email at catherine.creitoff@njcourts.gov or at (201) 336-6222 to provide your full name, e-mail address, and cell phone number within seven days of a court notice.

Contact Us

Central Municipal Court

71 Hudson St. Hackensack, NJ 07601-7076

Phone: 201-336-6222 • Fax: 201-336-6212

                  Monday - Friday  8:00 am - 4:30 pm

 Bergen County Department of Administration & Finance

One Bergen County Plaza  • 5th Floor • Hackensack, NJ 07601-7076