Bergen Bites Back

BBB TickMosq


To address the growing concern about ticks and mosquitos, the Bergen County Department of Health Services has compiled a list of resources to help you prevent and protect you and your families from diseases that may be caused by ticks and mosquitos.

Resources for Mosquitos



Resources for Ticks


Bergen Bites Back – Downloadable Materials

 ZiKA FLYER 2021

Bergen Bites Back Flyer


Bergen County Mosquito Control Notice

If you wish to know about the efforts of the office of The Bergen County Mosquito Control Division (BCMCD) to treat non-residential areas with larvicide please refer to the following link:

bergen bites back

Contact Us

Office of Health Promotion

 Bergen County Department of Health Services

One Bergen County Plaza  • 4th Floor • Hackensack, NJ 07601-7076

Phone: 201-634-2600 • Fax: 201-336-6086

Health & Safety Hotline: 201-225-7000