Mental Health & Addiction Services

The mission of the Bergen County Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services is to raise awareness and assure that Bergen County Residents of all ages who need resources for mental health or substance use disorders have access to information and care regardless of ability to pay.
The Bergen County Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services aims to raise awareness that mental illness and substance use are diseases, not choices.
If you or a loved one need help with a mental health or substance use challenge or crisis, call or text 988. In an emergency, call 911.
What we do

Public Education
Offers and links interested parties to resources to increase community awareness of mental illness and suicide prevention at no cost.
- Mental Health First Aid Training
- QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Gatekeeper Training
- The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Talk Saves Lives.
Contact the department for additional information.

Information and Referral
Information and referral is provided for connection to mental health and substance use treatment programs, including:
- Prevention
- Early intervention
- Treatment services
- Recovery support services
Bergen County Mental Health Board

Established under the provisions of the New Jersey Community Mental Health Services Act (N.J.A.C. 10:37), appointed residents provide public leadership in the development of mental health resources in its advisory role to the Bergen County Department of Health and the Bergen County Board of County Commissioners. The Board typically meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at 6pm and is open to the public. For meeting details, contact the division.
Local Advisory Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (LACADA)

Appointed residents provide public leadership in the development of substance use prevention, early intervention, treatment and recovery support service resources in its advisory role to the Bergen County Department of Health and the Bergen County Board of County Commissioners. The LACADA typically meets on Thursdays, six times a year and is open to the public. For meeting details, contact the division.
Children’s Interagency Coordinating Council (CIACC)

Bergen County CIACC is convened by our division. The CIACC focuses on the needs of children up to age 21 living with behavioral, emotional, substance use, intellectual and/or developmental challenges. The CIACC monitors the system of care and forms partnerships with anyone invested in making the lives of children better like parents, teachers, coaches, faith based youth leaders and others. The CIACC typically meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 9am and is open to the public. For meeting details, contact the division.
Municipal Alliances

Our office provides funding and technical assistance to Municipal Alliances that seek to prevent substance abuse with a grant from the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (GCADA).
Overdose Fatality Review Team (OFRT)

Our division convenes the OFRT for Bergen County in collaboration with the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office. This team of stakeholders reviews cases of Bergen County residents who have died as a result of an overdose. They identify trends and make recommendations for system changes.
Other Stakeholder Meetings
Our office convenes other stakeholder meetings such as:
- Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) of the Mental Health Board
- Professional Advisory Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (PACADA)
- County Alliance Steering Subcommittee (CASS) of the LACADA
Contact our division for more information.
Contact Us
Shelby Klein
Division Director
Phone: 201-634-2745
Bergen County Department of Health Services
One Bergen County Plaza • 4th Floor • Hackensack, NJ 07601-7076
Phone: 201-634-2600 • Fax: 201-336-6086
Health & Safety Hotline: 201-225-7000