Drought Awareness & Water Conservation

As of November 13, New Jersey's Drought Status has been elevated to "WARNING."
Since June, NJ has seen 6-11 inches less rain than normal.
Please help spread the word to conserve water - see the Drought Outreach Toolkit.
Local and county governments can use this to broaden outreach and ensure robust messaging to the public.
Please also see the Model Ordinance Template for Municipalities.
Thank you for helping to share that Every Drop Counts!
Please find attached to this email one of the toolkit images.
Use the image with the text below:
⚠️ New Jersey is currently in a DROUGHT WARNING.
⤵️ Since June, NJ has seen 6 -11 inches LESS rain than normal.
Will you help conserve water?
- Take five-minute showers
- Only run a load of laundry or dishes when full
- Turn off the water when brushing teeth
- Install low-flow shower-heads, faucets, and toilets
Thank you for your help – Every Drop Counts!
Visit dep.nj.gov/conserve-water/why-conserve-water/ to learn more about the importance of water conservation and how you can do your part.
Contact Us
Office of Health Promotion
Bergen County Department of Health Services
One Bergen County Plaza • 4th Floor • Hackensack, NJ 07601-7076
Phone: 201-634-2600 • Fax: 201-336-6086
Health & Safety Hotline: 201-225-7000